Food Access Programs

The Haymaker Farmers’ Market participates in several food access programs designed to increase healthy eating for our community experiencing food insecurity by making products at the Market more affordable.

  • SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) formerly known as “food stamps” is a federal program administered through Portage County Job & Family Services that gives eligible individuals a monthly food stipend, which can be redeemed through an electronic benefit transfer card that works like a debit card at participating merchants. At Haymaker Farmers’ Market SNAP customers can use their benefits by purchasing wooden $1 tokens with their SNAP card at the Market table, then buying food with these tokens from vendors at the Market.

  • Produce Perks is a grant funded program through “Produce Perks Midwest” that seeks to increase SNAP use at Farmers’ Markets and increase fruit & vegetable consumption.  Customers are given a matching benefit of $25/week in Produce Perk tokens, when they use their SNAP benefits at Market.  These green tokens can then be used to buy fresh fruits and vegetables at Market.

  • WIC FMNP vouchers – WIC is a program for “Women, Infants, and Children” which provides food assistance for eligible pregnant mothers and children under 5. The WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) distributes additional vouchers to WIC families for use exclusively at Farmers’ Markets, where they can be used to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables.

  • WIC Perks vouchers are available for free at the Market table each week for customers receiving WIC benefits - and can be used to buy $10 in fresh fruits & vegetables at the Market. Customers just need to show their current WIC card at the Market table.

  • Senior Nutrition Program vouchers – The Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program is administered by the Ohio Farmers Market Network, who offers a $50 benefit to area senior citizens, which can be used to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at the Market.

  • Produce Prescriptions (PRx) - Haymaker partners with local healthcare providers who identify eligible patients and “prescribe” fresh fruits and vegetables to help improve health outcomes. Patients receive produce vouchers that can be redeemed at Market. Questions? Learn more here.

  • Summer EBT program – Summer EBT (or SUN Bucks) is an Ohio program for children who receive free/reduced school lunches to continue to get food benefits in the summer.  Families receive a EBT card which can be used like the SNAP cards at the Market and will also be matched by Produce Perks benefits.

The Haymaker Farmers’ Market also participates in other food assistance programs and partners with local organizations doing this work. 

The Socially Responsible Sweatshop of Kent promotes the Produce Perks program at Market and sells a variety of products at Market to raise money for local food assistance programs, including fully funding the WIC Perks program!

We partner with Kent State University’s Flashes Fighting Hunger program who provides nutrition education at the Market, raises money to support their food pantry, and collects unsold produce from the Market to be given to Kent Social Services

Through a previous partnership with Edible Kent, we developed and continue to maintain two gardens at the Market’s downtown location which produce vegetables all summer long. Harvesting from this space is free and open to everyone. Volunteers to maintain this space are always needed. Volunteer with us here!

We are always looking for new partners in food access. If you have an idea or want to contribute to this mission, reach out to us here!